
Sebastian Block wins the Radio Eins (rbb) Band Contest for the "Völkerball 2011"!

An interview of Sebastian Block & Band during their acoustic concert at Yagaloo.TV is also available since the 29/09/2011.

Sebastian Block wins the Radio Eins (rbb) Band Contest for the "Völkerball 2011"! The concert will take place on the 01/10/2011 in Kalkscheune Berlin 01/10/2011 between 21:30 – 22:00, and will be presented by Radio Eins. The event will of course be played live On Air! Before the concert, Sebastian Block & Band will also give an interview for Radio Eins before the concert. Don’t miss it!

Sebastian Block & Band were also invited by Yagaloo.TV on the 19/09/2011. The weekly music magazine can be viewed on several TV channels and is also played online. The show is moderated by Artists and has for main interest the highlights of the musical scene. Yagaloo.TV will also diffuse the acoustic performance of Sebastian Block online! From the 29/09/2011, the interview will also be diffused as described below:

TV.BERLIN Thursday 21:30H, Friday 23:30H, Sunday 18:30H

TIMM Sunday Evening 18:00H, Monday 17:00H, Thursdays 01:15H, Thursday 22:30H

SKB (Stadtfernsehen Brandenburg). Friday from 19:00 after the local news

KW.TV - Königswusterhausen.TV Sundays every 2 hours from 01:30.

Alle Termine und Künstler-Infos unter: www.mam-music.de | http://blockie.de/ 

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